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Challenges in using Linux as a Real-Time Operating System for Multimedia and Network Function Virtualization

Data 05.05.2022 orario


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Giovedì 5 maggio alle ore 18, Tommaso Cucinotta, professore associato dell'Istituto TeCIP della Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna presenta il seminario "Challenges in using Linux as a Real-Time Operating System for Multimedia and Network Function Virtualization". L'incontro fa parte del ciclo di seminari 'La ricerca negli Istituti di Ingegneria della Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna' nell'ambito della programmazione didattica di Ingegneria '21/'22 a cura del prof. Christian Cipriani.
Diretta streaming sulla piattaforma WebEx e sul canale YouTube della Scuola Sant'Anna al seguente link:


The Linux Operating System (OS), initially designed as a General-Purpose OS, has evolved in the last decade to become an excellent fit for a number of highly heterogeneous application domains, ranging from multimedia devices, real-time controllers and robotics, to web servers and cloud infrastructures, to Network Function Virtualization (NFV). In this talk, I'll discuss some of the research activities we are carrying out at the Real-Time Systems Laboratory (RETIS) of the TECIP Institute in this area, highlighting recent contributions we gave to the research and industrial communities behind the use of Linux as a Real-Time OS, with reference to application domains dealing with real-time multimedia processing and real-time packet processing for NFV, with a focus on the challenges laying ahead when considering deployments on modern and future heterogeneous computing platforms.

Short Bio

Tommaso Cucinotta has a MSc degree in Computer Engineering from University of Pisa and a PhD from Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna. He has been a researcher at the RETIS laboratory of Scuola Sant'Anna, with a focus on operating system mechanisms and scheduling for soft real-time applications, from multimedia for embedded systems, to interactive services and big-data processing in cloud infrastructures. He has been a researcher at the prestigious Bell Laboratories in Dublin, Ireland, with a research focus on security and real-time performance of infrastructures for cloud computing and network function virtualization. He has also been a Software Engineer in Amazon Web Services (AWS), in the DynamoDB team, in Dublin, Ireland, where he worked at improvements in the real-time performance  and scalability of AWS DynamoDB.
Currently, he is Associate Professor at Scuola Sant'Anna, and coordinator of the RETIS laboratory research since July 2019. He is a member of the PhD board of the Data Science PhD, jointly offered by Scuola Sant’Anna with other universities in the area of Pisa, Italy.
Tommaso Cucinotta published a hundred international papers on the above mentioned research themes, he is coauthor of more than 20 filed patents and 7 patent grants, and he performs peer-reviewing duties for many international conferences and journals in his research areas of competence.